Thursday, August 5, 2010

And Just As Quickly it Ends!

We're staying in our Texas town! I may keep this blog open and add the photos from our travels to OKC since we're there quite often.

Monday, August 2, 2010

And so it begins

My hubby works at a truck center here in town, but lately it's been extremely slow so last week his boss sent him and one of his co-workers to work for a week in Oklahoma City since they were backed up with work and needed the help. Well needless to say as it always happens they fell in love with my hubby and didn't want him to come back to Texas. He called me while he was up there and told me the buzz around the shop and would I consider moving. It would meen more money, I wouldn't have to work, etc. Well once upon a time I would've loved to hear those words "stay at home" but I love my new job, i'm good at it and not just because I think so, but others have told me so. Isn't that how it always goes though? You finally find a job you enjoy, the people are nice, you're good at your job and then woosh! The rug is pulled out from under you...